Eco-member Introduction | Propeaq to ensure optimal performance through light glasses

Chrono Eyewear BV is a Brabant-based Dutch company with its roots in science and elite sports. Since 2008, Olympic athletes have been guided to maximize performance at any time of day, anywhere in the world. Under the leadership of CEO Toine Schoutens, the Propeaq light glasses were invented and patented in 2016. Having earned its spurs in top international sports, Chrono Eyewear also began to focus on the optimal performance of people on night shifts or irregular hours. Chrono Eyewear also focuses on assisting people with sleep/wake disorders. Also, Chrono Eyewear conducts a lot of research in the field of circadian rhythm in relation to sleep and mood.
The human body reacts to the blue tint of the morning light and the red which comes with sunset. At daybreak, all our internal systems start up. Once the sun goes down, our bodies start preparing for rest and sleep. Metabolism and many other body systems switch into night mode.
Anyone who deviates from the usual day-and-night rhythm, travels through multiple time zones or struggles with sleep deprivation due to an irregular existence may find that the body sputters against it. The day is no longer synchronized with the internal biological clock. These cannot always keep up with the rapid social and technological evolution of our existence.
Ocular light therapy is the answer to this situation, based on the scientifically proven knowledge that the body gets energy when the eyes see the correct blue light at the right intensity, moment and duration. You can be your own enemy here, for example by wearing sunglasses for a long time and often that block blue light and thus reduce your energy. The Propeaq light glasses restore balance as the blue lenses dose the available sunlight. When there is no sun, the blue LEDs in the glasses give the body extra energy.
On the contrary, when the aim is to unwind and prepare for a good sleep, replace the blue lenses in the glasses with the orange ones easily clicked in. The orange glasses block all energy input from blue light, so the body responds with increased production of the night hormone melatonin. Propeaq light glasses are the only complete wearable system for optimal light therapy.
Propeaq’s blue LED light has a wavelength of 468 nanometers at an intensity of only 215 M-EDI. The LEDs are 1.5 cm from the eye and are harmless under normal use. One administration of 30 minutes of active blue light per 24 hours is often sufficient. The light glasses do not have to be worn continuously for a long time. For those already wearing glasses, there are solutions with clip-on glasses or even prescription lenses. Through a close cooperation with a renowned international operating manufacturer of eyeglass lenses, Propeaq glasses are also available in prescription form from specialized opticians.
Scientific research over the last 25 years has made it clear that the biological clock in the brain plays an important role in achieving peak performance in sports but also in situations where healthy sleep is under pressure such as jet lag, working shifts or night shifts or of course just in everyday life when stressed. Using chrono coaching, it becomes possible to coincide the moment of best individual performance at any time of the day or even night.
Since the Olympic Games in Beijing 2008, sleep / wake expert and light therapy specialist Toine Schoutens has been coaching many Olympic and other top athletes who have to perform in other time zones, whether in the morning or in the evening. With chrono coaching that includes light glasses, sleep interventions and chrono dietetics, Propeaq makes sure your biological clock is ready.
Propeaq also provides an App with all the personalized schedules for getting the most from your Propeaq glasses. The schemes are based on unique algorithms developed in recent years by Toine Schoutens. The schedules and personalized advice combine all experiences from scientific studies, the guidance of elite athletes and practical tests. You can fly guaranteed 100% jetlag free using Propeaq.
The company has now joined the "Sino-Dutch SportsTech Hub" jointly established by ABSG and its Dutch strategic partner Orange Sports Forum, professional services such as marketing and intelligent manufacturing will be provided to facilitate its growth in China market.
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